Top 100 universities: Cambridge came second Photograph: Graeme Robertson/Getty
Oxford University has slipped in the international league table of the world's top universities - in a study which shows the advance of academia in Asia that will soon pose a challenge to the Ivy League and Oxbridge.
The study, from Times Higher Education and QS Top Universities shows that overall the UK still punches above its weight, second only to the US. The UK has four out of the top 10 slots and 18 in the top 100. But there has been a significant fall in the number of North American universities in the top 100, from 42 in 2008 to 36 in 2009.
However, the number of Asian universities in the top 100 increased from 14 to 16. The University of Tokyo, at 22, is the highest ranked Asian university, ahead of the University of Hong Kong at 24.
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Data summary
The world's top universities
2009 Rank | 2008 Rank | School Name | Country |
1 | 1 | HARVARD University | United States |
2 | 3 | University of CAMBRIDGE | United Kingdom |
3 | 2 | YALE University | United States |
4 | 7 | UCL (University College London) | United Kingdom |
5 | 6 | IMPERIAL College London | United Kingdom |
5 | 4 | University of OXFORD | United Kingdom |
7 | 8 | University of CHICAGO | United States |
8 | 12 | PRINCETON University | United States |
9 | 9 | MASSACHUSETTS Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
10 | 5 | CALIFORNIA Institute of Technology (Caltech) | United States |
11 | 10 | COLUMBIA University | United States |
12 | 11 | University of PENNSYLVANIA | United States |
13 | 13 | JOHNS HOPKINS University | United States |
14 | 13 | DUKE University | United States |
15 | 15 | CORNELL University | United States |
16 | 17 | STANFORD University | United States |
17 | 16 | AUSTRALIAN National University | Australia |
18 | 20 | MCGILL University | Canada |
19 | 18 | University of MICHIGAN | United States |
20 | 24 | ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) | Switzerland |
20 | 23 | University of EDINBURGH | United Kingdom |
22 | 19 | University of TOKYO | Japan |
23 | 22 | KING'S College London | United Kingdom |
24 | 26 | University of HONGKONG | Hong Kong |
25 | 25 | KYOTO University | Japan |
26 | 29 | University of MANCHESTER | United Kingdom |
27 | 21 | CARNEGIE MELLON University | United States |
28 | 28 | École normale supérieure, PARIS | France |
29 | 41 | University of TORONTO | Canada |
30 | 30 | National University of Singapore (NUS) | Singapore |
31 | 27 | BROWN University | United States |
32 | 33 | NORTHWESTERN University | United States |
32 | 30 | University of CALIFORNIA, Los Angeles (UCLA) | United States |
34 | 32 | University of BRISTOL | United Kingdom |
35 | 39 | HONG KONG University of Science and Technology | Hong Kong |
36 | 34 | ÉCOLE POLYTECHNIQUE | France |
36 | 38 | University of MELBOURNE | Australia |
36 | 37 | University of SYDNEY | Australia |
39 | 36 | University of California, BERKELEY | United States |
40 | 34 | University of BRITISH COLUMBIA | Canada |
41 | 43 | University of QUEENSLAND | Australia |
42 | 50 | École Polytechnique Fédérale de LAUSANNE | Switzerland |
43 | 44 | OSAKA University | Japan |
43 | 49 | TRINITY College Dublin | Ireland |
45 | 47 | MONASH University | Australia |
46 | 42 | The CHINESE University of Hong Kong | Hong Kong |
47 | 50 | SEOUL National University | Korea, South |
47 | 45 | University of NEWSOUTH WALES | Australia |
49 | 56 | TSINGHUA University | China |
49 | 53 | University of AMSTERDAM | Netherlands |
51 | 48 | University of COPENHAGEN | Denmark |
52 | 40 | NEW YORK University(NYU) | United States |
52 | 50 | PEKING University | China |
54 | 46 | BOSTON University | United States |
55 | 78 | Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM) | Germany |
55 | 61 | TOKYO Institute of Technology | Japan |
57 | 57 | HEIDELBERG University | Germany |
58 | 69 | University of WARWICK | United Kingdom |
59 | 74 | University of ALBERTA | Canada |
60 | 64 | LEIDEN University | Netherlands |
61 | 65 | The University of AUCKLAND | New Zealand |
61 | 55 | University of WISCONSIN-Madison | United States |
63 | 81 | AARHUS University | Denmark |
63 | 71 | University of ILLINOIS, Chicago (UIC) | United States |
65 | 72 | Katholieke Universiteit LEUVEN | Belgium |
66 | 75 | University of BIRMINGHAM | United Kingdom |
67 | 66 | LONDON School of Economics and Political Science | United Kingdom |
67 | 88 | LUND University | Sweden |
69 | 95 | KAIST – Korea Advanced Institute of Science | Korea, South |
70 | 81 | University of YORK | United Kingdom |
70 | 67 | UTRECHT University | Netherlands |
72 | 68 | University of GENEVA | Switzerland |
73 | 77 | Nanyang Technological University (NTU) | Singapore |
73 | 60 | WASHINGTON University in St. Louis | United States |
75 | 63 | UPPSALA University | Sweden |
76 | 58 | University of CALIFORNIA, San Diego | United States |
76 | 70 | University of TEXAS at Austin | United States |
78 | 102 | University of NORTH CAROLINA, Chapel Hill | United States |
79 | 73 | University of GLASGOW | United Kingdom |
80 | 59 | University of WASHINGTON | United States |
81 | 106 | University of ADELAIDE | Australia |
82 | 76 | University of SHEFFIELD | United Kingdom |
83 | 78 | DELFT University of Technology | Netherlands |
84 | 83 | University of WESTERN AUSTRALIA | Australia |
85 | 54 | DARTMOUTH College | United States |
86 | 83 | GEORGIA Institute of Technology | United States |
87 | 99 | PURDUE University | United States |
87 | 83 | University of STANDREWS | United Kingdom |
89 | 108 | University College DUBLIN | Ireland |
90 | 62 | EMORY University | United States |
91 | 86 | University of NOTTINGHAM | United Kingdom |
92 | 120 | NAGOYA University | Japan |
92 | 106 | University of ZURICH | Switzerland |
94 | 137 | Freie Universität BERLIN | Germany |
95 | 124 | National TAIWAN University | Taiwan |
95 | 99 | University of SOUTHAMPTON | United Kingdom |
97 | 112 | TOHOKU University | Japan |
98 | 93 | Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München | Germany |
99 | 104 | University of LEEDS | United Kingdom |
100 | 78 | RICE University | United States |
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